Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Our own little PLC

Professional Learning Communities are all the rage, and the concept seems so common sense: teachers actually talking about what works and doesn't work, and sharing ideas, all based on some way of measuring learning.

The three questions: What do students need to know and do? What do you do when students have not learned? What do you do when students DO learn?

It occurs to me that we have the makings of a workable PLC right in our UI class. After all, trying to form a PLC on journalism in your school... well, that will be a small group. Some advisers try to convince admin to let them use their PLC time to drive to a neighboring school to confer with a colleague. And if that isn't possible, why not try to share online?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hadn't actually heard of a PLC until I got my interview for Montezuma. I am excited to get a chance every morning to work in my PLC with other members of the English department, but you are correct in the statement that there is no counterpart for me to discuss journalism with. I'm enjoying getting the opportunity in this course to bounce ideas off others and having a discussion with experienced advisers as well as new advisers such as myself. The internet is a fantasic tool for such sharing!