RTNDF - A great place to start looking for lesson plans when you delve into broadcast and websites.
On-Line Support for Tim Harrower's "Inside Reporting" textbook Lots of quizzes, chapter summaries, interactive stuff... and much more if you get an instructor access code.
JPROF - A college-oriented website with loads of cool resources... but don't let that frighten you away. Most materials either apply directly to high school or can be easily adapted.
High School Journalism.org website - Sponsored by ASNE, this is a treasure-trove of lesson plans, advice, possible access to MCT Campus news service, which for a reasonable fee gives you access to syndicated photos and stories, and even the possibility of tapping into a national advertising network.
Sponsors of School Publications - St. Louis area advisers share resources. The St. Louis area has always been strong in scholastic journalism, and local advisers are willing to share many of their favorite lessons and other teaching ideas.
TAJE Site - Texas Association of Journalism Educators. Loads of lesson plans and tips on advising from some of the best advisers in the nation. Just scroll down the left side of the home page to start exploring.
NEWSU - A terrrific training site sponsored by the Poynter Institute for Media Studies. You can assign students to take interactive on-line courses on everything from news writing to press law. This is an indispensible site.
Just click on this and, after laughing, consider using this streaming video to spark discussion of how the fonts we choose reflect our personalities.
Nuts and Bolts of Advising
High School Journalism Matters - A study by Jack Dvorak that all advisers need to share with administration, parents, board members and even students.
Portage - A great source for reporters notebooks, newspaper racks and newspaper binders.
Cafe Press - A great source for journalism gifts for friends or students.
Best site I've found for getting brand new photographers up to speed on some camera basics is right here. It was created by a Penn State instructor and former professional photographer. This should be required reading for anyone using a camera!
News Page Designer is build on the premise that designers need to share their work with the world, and the world comes to this site to share. Great place to browse while awaiting design inspiration.