Monday, June 16, 2008

The need for an on-line Professional Learning Community

Changes come fast and furious for publications advisers, but one thing that remains immutable is that newspaper and yearbook advisers have few (if any) peers in their buildings who can give them any advice. That's where an on-line PLC could come in handy.

PLCs ask the three big questions: 1) What do we want students to learn? 2) How do we know if they have learned those things? and 3) What do we do when they don't learn? This course, in the big picture, attempts to get at those questions, and we all have some ideas that can help.

If the answers were easy, and could simply be listed and followed like a recipe, then this gig would be remarkably simple, and the class would be a silly exercise.

Want to know more about PLCs? Start here:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yes, we need to collaborate or we suffer, as does the publication and the staff. The kids deserve professionalism, which includes collaboration. I'm looking forward to being connected to fellow advisers--and I need all the help I can get.